How to convert Youtube to MP4 online, and earn your college diploma quicker
I have heard a lot about the legitimacy and outright legality of downloading Youtube videos and then converting them to offline files stored on your laptop computer. I've been watching and following the major developments that has seen some online converters for mp3 are under investigation and taken to court for helping users across the globe however, I would like to share the details of my personal story. While I'm not in favor of any person doing what I do, I see no harm in doing it. I can also see the benefits of "DVRing" videos from Youtube to watch later.
I am the only one to benefit. I was able to complete my Bachelors in college degree online in only 3 years. This included 2 nights and part-time jobs, and also working full-time to provide for my family. This article is not about Devry, or any other well-publicized online college. I was a student at my local university and did not receive any special programs or treatment. I paid the same fees as everyone else and received aid from the government just like them.

I was mostly accountable for sitting and walking in one of the jobs. You are correct. It was a glorified security patrol job. I was left with plenty of time and I began to bring books and reading school materials to work. It's funny how online schools operate all day long. I was able to to work on my assignments at night and then submit them to my instructor at 3 at three in the morning. Afterward, I found that a lot of these lectures are available through Youtube and Vimeo. The titles were special, so they didn't draw any visitors. Only those who had access URLs could see what was inside.
Then I began to copy the videos onto my laptop prior to going to work. Internet was slow at times, cause of remote locations of the work sites, and so to have proper study sessions I had to have whole video on my laptop before I left for work, otherwise a few of these sessions would be ruined due to block of workflow after the internet vanished or did not show up.. And that's where free online Youtube to mp4 converter worked its magic. Copy the Youtube URL to my laptop memory and paste it there. After that, I'd visit the converter website and hit the submit button. Then, it would show me various download options. It was impressive, sortable by size and audio by itself. The program would then allow me to convert Youtube video into an mp3 file, or proceed until Mp4 Converter appears and allows me to download more video mp4 files.
I discovered that keeping notes from my laptop allowed me to get the most out of my time away from the grid. And I'm now an Associate of IT graduate , who has completed 2 semesters quicker than the average student. I hope my next job offers me the chance to continue learning. It's extremely rewarding, and you should try it!